-Every team which has sent its registration on e-mail with all needed requirements (name and tag of the team, nicknames and logins of players + link of web pages of the team) can participate in the cup, list of the players must include minimally 5 players.
-Team must act honestly and must not exploit multiaccounts!
-It would be appropriate if the team which considers registrating to the cup was fully assured of finishing the cup with all its virtue no matter what results it will achieve and did not flee from the cup.
-For infringement of second and third paragraph the leaders of the clan will be executed with no mercy :)
-Only players registered on the list of the team can take part in cw.
-Moving from team to team is prohibited! (if a player participates in a cw for one team he must not be added to the list of the players of  different team in future).
-There is just one term when teams can add players to its player list and it is the week before the 4th round.In this term you can add maximally three players.
- “Transfer week“ (week when teams can add players to the list) begins on Monday and ends on Sunday 11:59 pm. The decisive time is the time of sending an email to the administrator of the cup. Earlier and later emails will not be considered.
-Player of the team which already ended in the cup or team which was excluded from the cup must not play for another team (even if he did not take part in any cw).
-Participating of the players with multiaccounts is prohibited and will be punished by its excluding from the cup. Having guests in a cw is also prohibited and will be punished, too.
-In case of infringement of one of the rules in paragraph 2, team will be punished by deduction of the points player gained in a cw (results of the cw would be recalculated according to the screens without the points of punished player) + deduction of 10 points from the result of team in that cw even if that guilty player did not get any points. If player enters a cw in a TEAM mode his team will automatically lose the game.
-The punishment can be applied in exceptional situations retroactively on already played matches during the cup (not in play-off, during play-off you have to follow the rules mentioned in the paragraph “PROTESTS“)
-Changing of the nicknames of the players is allowed but you have to announce it while sending the results of the cw if player gained some points (this rule is bound to the competition of players in time attack part of the cup). 
-Server and date of cw after agreement of the teams is provided by one of the teams. The latest term is Sunday. The administrator of the cup can allow an exception if both teams agreed on that. During the play-off and last rounds of group stages it is not allowed to play cw after Sunday in order to have the schedule for the cup ready as soon as possible.
If teams do not agree on the date of the match,dafault term is Sunday 8 pm.If one of the team participates in other cup and has already set time for match at 8 pm,the administrator of the cup can allow an exception but the cw has to be played between 6 pm and 9 pm on Sunday. The team who wants to use this exception must ask for it up to Tuesday midnight of the playing week via e-mail. The administrator of the cup after communication with both teams decides as soon as possible when the spare term will be.
-Every cw has to start after 10 minutes from arranged term at the latest. If enemy team agrees on waiting even more, it is allowed.
-If the team does not appear after 10 minutes at the latest, it automatically loses the game (0:75 on Time Attack, 0:3 on TEAM mode). To begin the match, team must include at least one player. This rule is put here because of the competition of players in time attack part of the cup. Players from the team can play for points into this competition even if enemy team has just one man playing.
-If one team complains about lags it is not a reason to postpone the match. If both teams have problems with lags, it is possible to change the server after agreement of both teams. In case of wrongly set server, the team which has right to change it must do it after 10 minutes from arranged term at the latest or go to another server. Protest must be given before the match. The protests during the game are not considered so every team must check the settings of the server before the match. If enemy team does not react on your protest, it will automatically lose.
-Using cuts during cw is prohibited. It is punished by deduction of all points player gained in a cw after showing the proof.
- If in a Time Attack part of the cup any bug happens, make screens which shows who finished first (when two players have the same time). When needed, you can request the log of the server that is conclusive. 
-Maps will be available to download on Sunday at 7:30 pm at the latest. They are chosen by the administrator of the cup and they are specified in the “MAPY“ section.
-For the final, each team choses one tech map at the length of 35 – 59 seconds (it means the bottom limit is 10 seconds under the limit for the oficial maps for the cup) and every team must send the map to its opponent until Monday 8 pm via link put here in the forums or by any means made sooner.
-If the team does not do that the administrator of the cup will choose the map randomly from the maps which were already used in the cup.
-Every team must send the results from its matches with individual points of players as soon as possible after the match to the e-mail of the administrator of the cup. The deadline for sending this e-mail is Monday midnight. The screens are not required but you have to keep them. The administrator of the cup can whenever ask for them in case of irregularities.
- Insulting of an enemy team during cw is prohibited. Repeated violation of this rule will be punished by deduction of 5 points from the total number of your points in a match. If a player was especially rude he can be banned for the next match. In the TEAM MODE, there is no deduction of the points, player is automatically banned for the next match.
-During the Time Attack part of the cup in case of equality of points of two teams decides mutual match between the teams and then score.
-In case of equality of points of more than two teams is created a mini table of these teams with its mutual matches when again first decide these matches and then score.
-At the equality of the difference in the score the decisive number is higher amount of positive points.
-For the victory in the Time Attack part of the cup is 3 points, for tie is 1 point, for loss 0 points.
-In the TEAM MODE, the decisive aspect is higher amount of won maps. For the victory on the map, team gets 1 point.
-You can send possible protests with proofs to the e-mail of the administrator of the cup. The deadline for these protests is the midnight of the day after a cw.
-It is recommended to use screens as a proof and if the protest concerns about the time of start of the match it is appropriate to activate the upper strip in the game to show the time in the screen.
-The administrator of the cup decides about possible sanction or change of the result after 48 hours from sending a protest at the latest.

You can learn more about awarding points, settings of a server on Team Mode and the whole system of the cup in the “SYSTÉM“ section.
It is recommended to check information about maps in the “MAPY“ section, where are also mentioned the terms of release of the maps.

If there were any problems with translation please contact the administrator of the cup for correct explanation.
(edit 24.7.)

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